
En partenariat avec le Centre culturel suisse

We like music when it takes us somewhere. That somewhere can be a radiant horizon, made of straight melodies and voluptuous sound curves. But it can also be an adventure of upside down moments. An experience of which one can say ‘I was there, I lived it’. We’ll let you guess the path that the Sc’ööf collective has chosen.

With the Swiss Cultural Centre. On Tour in Lyon (10-21 January 2023) and the support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.

wednesday 18 january 202321h00


Sc’ööf is an experimental band and performing collective that has formed its own radical sonic language, which is at once refreshingly adventurous and in-your-face. A strong affection for captivatingly odd grooves and an excessive live energy makes Sc’ööf an exciting bag of surprises.

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