Gil.Barte & Gauthier Plaetevoet


For several years now, Marc-Etienne Guibert has been taking a radical turn in his approach to music under the pseudonym Gil.Barte.

Founder of the KUMP label, co-founder of Meth.O.tapes and host of a programme called Methodrone on LYL radio, Gil.Barte’s experimental music is introspective, blending tribal, noise and electroacoustics.

Sculpting sound with the tools of a phonic necromancer, he questions the ritual that allows the passage to a state of trance. In this mystical quest, he develops collaborations with labels such as Homemade.

Gauthier Plaetevoet
Gauthier considers bodily mobility as a material, a tool or even the narrative of an artistic practice.

Experimenting with different digital and plastic media, his intention is to work instinctively with the landscape in order to renew the experience of a territory. He observes the different time-spaces of a place and seeks to create new ones.

His research, nourished for years by encyclopaedic forms, routes and customs, is now enriched by the new dimensions brought by Meth.O.Tapes.

Through his experiments, he also explores the underlying notion of ‘code’ as a language made up of signs, symbols and actions.