Gwyn Wurst
A supernatural keyboardist and extra-terrestrial virtuoso, he is a solitary iconoclastic anomaly, a Marvel casting error who flunked out of the P4 competition for “improper and villainous superpowers”.
With his two keyboards and the phalanges of a colossus, he irritates an absinthe-tinged makina, spitting the worst dancefloor fires of Otto Von Shirach and Venetian Snares at the ceiling. He improvises a saturated techno-Arabic that leaves Omar Souleyman to be eaten by the sand worms of Dune; composes the soundtrack to the snuff remake of Who Wants Roger Rabbit’s Skin? without warning.
A unique, ravaged dance of the sun, a satanic hardtek ballet, a rare, indispensable, stirring experience that will rip the cartilage from your flesh for good.
Antoine Arnera (Keyboards)