Jet Whistle

Lyon, France

Jet Whistle” is a contemporary music term for the transverse flute, which can be likened to a loud heap of breath. It’s also embodied by a Lyon-based group of 5 freshly-formed friends, all highly talented musicians: Fanny Martin, Jules Regard, Adlane Aliouche, Théo Fardée and Sacha Souêtre have only recently joined forces as a quintet, but have already won over numerous stages and springboards (Rezzo Jazz à Vienne, Forum JAZZ(S)RA, Doua de Jazz, Crescent Jazz Festival…).

Like the jazz scene in which they evolve, Jet Whistle is profoundly free. Whether it’s through the large amount of room left for improvisation in their performances or the skilful blend of electronic sounds and hip-hop influences in their compositions, the quintet impresses us. Their innovative music takes a different look at the transverse flute: at the heart of their playing, it is showcased with infectious energy. Constantly on the lookout for something new, the group manages to surprise us with their musical openness and inventiveness. 

By imposing no limits or barriers on themselves, Jet Whistle provoke the unexpected with their explosive performances, and have established themselves as a promising figure in the new jazz generation. Having already graced the Périscope stage, this time they’ll be performing outside the walls of the Club Transbo during the festival.


Fanny Martin (flute) Jules Regard (trombone) Adlane Aliouche (keyboards) Théo Fardele (bass) Sacha Souêtre (drums)