Liturgie Profane – Marthe

The Trans-Siberian journey, made in May 2019 with the show “Martha’s Dances,” allowed the group to confront their approach with that of the artists they met during the journey and is the source of this new creation with the Siberian female vocal trio Verbnoe Voskresenie (“Palm Sunday” in Russian). The Siberian artists’ work revolves around traditional Russian sacred and secular repertoire, while paying particular attention to the seasonality of the music and ancestral instruments.
The accuracy and sincerity of their universe has found a singular echo within the Marthe ensemble. Indeed, if the two ensembles tackle different themes, the Orthodox culture -in particular the Byzantine chants common to Greece and Russia- is an element that brought them together and allowed a shared creation space: “It seems interesting to us to confront our soaring music to the rock energy composed of oriental melodies and odd rhythms, to these voices that sing of life and seasons. We want to open a path between our cultures, to create a two-way bridge. “
Sound and visual show, dreamlike drawn concert, this new creation of Marthe thus invites to a meeting of cultures in resonance.
Florent Briqué – Trumpet, Bugle
Alexis Moutzouris – Saxophone, Clarinet
Lucas Territo – Bass
Damien Bernard – Drums
Mariia Khanykova, Olga Irisova, Nadia Prokopenko – Vocals