Magnetic Ensemble

Pole attraction.
Cosmic “hits” make hearts and bodies breathe under the influence of the relentless beat of this sextet with free, sensitive and organic music!
“With a tampered vibraphone, a prepared piano, a mastoc bass, acoustic percussions, hypnotic drums, the Magnetic Ensemble concocts an electro made of bric, jug and trance, which owes more to Steve Reich than to dance FM. Led by Antonin Leymarie, the combo retains the festive spirit, the alchemy and the madness that agitate the Surnat’, the turbulent big band he co-founded in 2001, with the paroxysm of trance, rhythmic and melodic. For the sextet doesn’t only offer songs without lyrics. And when Thomas de Pourquery’s ovnique voice comes out to swarm with disturbing mantras, the Magnetic Ensemble makes the art of dance as dark as it is joyful. Like life.”
Mathieu Durand – Blue Suburbs
Benjamin Flament (percussions, vibraphone)
Sylvain Lemêtre (percussions, vibraphone)
Fabrizio Rat (piano préparé)
Adrien Spirli (synthétiseur basse)
Alice Lewis (voix)
Adrian Bourget (son)
Thomas Veyssiere (lumière, scénographie)