

The duo soon became a six-headed creature, where each∙e became∙e indispensable to the musical creation. Robinson Khoury’s trombone links up with the voice, and navigates between oriental and European scales, between ornamentation and a personal technique. It is with the trombone and the voice that we find the horizontality of Arab music, turned upside down by the rich harmonic verticality of the guitar and the piano.

Sarāb play between tradition and today’s music. Their first songs, arranged and highly written, revolve around love, the subject that binds the whole planet together. Tiri’, a song based on a poem by the Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwich about freedom, opens a special window. This open window led to the desire to write about other important and committed themes, such as the relationship with others – the fear of foreigners – feminism, the current state of the earth and the future. After the release of their first album in 2019, they return with ‘Arwāh Hurra’ -free souls-, which extends the musical explorations of the first and confronts the fractures of societies, both Arab and European.

Their adventure is a shared one: they are joined by strong personalities such as percussionist Wassim Hallal, saz player Abdallah Abozekry and committed author Alain Damasio.


Climène Zarkan (vocals)

Baptiste Ferrandis (guitar)

Paul Berne (drums)

Robinson Khoury (trombone)

Thibault Gomez (keyboards and piano)

Timothée Robert (bass) 

Paul Boulier (sound)

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