SuperMegaSuperCool Révolution

Lyon, France

SuperMegaSuperCool Révolution is a hybrid band driven by a love of fusion, funk and jazz fusion. Together, its five musicians pursue the same ambition: to get the crowds dancing and make the pleasure last… as long as possible!

Formed by long-time friends, SuperMegaSuperCool Révolution now boasts five members: late trumpeter Siméon, quantum drummer Fanga, erudite keyboardist Juice, bird-like bassist Timéo and effervescent guitarist Gabin.

Also known as SMSCR, it’s the abolition of aesthetic frontiers, an eclectic and tangy funky-fusion! On stage, in a colourful atmosphere, they open a gateway to the extravagant jungle of Villeurbanne!


Siméon Peronnet (Trumpet) Gabin Alessio (Guitar) Justinien Berthon-Moine (Keyboard) Timéo Constant (Bass) Fanga Thevenin (Drums)