The Bridge : Sophie Agnel, Ben Lamar Gay, Pascal Niggenkemper & Sam Pluta


Sophie Agnel, Ben Lamar Gay, Pascal Niggenkemper and Sam Pluta are multiple, they are known for being a bit of demiurges, creators and abusers of worlds. In other words, they don’t stop things in their tracks, and they don’t classify anything.

At the sources of sound and in its depths, there are always other sounds, twists and contortions, a shadow behind a light behind a shadow: a trade in transparencies and opacities, the map office. One could imagine a golem, which this time would not be made of clay but of copper, ropes and cables, relaying all the information, all the sources, all the sounds.

Revealing that all sources are resources, no more and no less, whether acoustic, electrical or electronic. And it will often be as if it were a mistake: the cornucopia passes through the key-ring computer, which passes through the double bass, which passes through the piano: everything is a matter of grafts and claws.

The instruments are played, prepared, tampered with, amplified, filtered, taken and taken back, like fry in the river, like pebbles in the river. The music is the river.

Past related
The Bridge #2.8 16.01.2024 TRIO AGNEL, VATCHER & LANZ 28.02.2023 The Bridge #2.2 | Don’t Tell 05.10.2022 THE BRIDGE + NUITS 07.07.2021

Ben Lamar Gay – cornet, voix, électronique

Sam Pluta – électronique

Sophie Agnel – piano

Pascal Niggenkemper – contrebasse

Past related
The Bridge #2.8 16.01.2024 TRIO AGNEL, VATCHER & LANZ 28.02.2023 The Bridge #2.2 | Don’t Tell 05.10.2022 THE BRIDGE + NUITS 07.07.2021