Gênes 2001-2021
A frustrated memory through movies.

Twenty years have passed since the July 2001 demonstrations in Genoa, three days during which the repression of the anti-G8 mobilization caused the death of a demonstrator and saw a tightening of policing techniques systematically renewed since then on a European scale. While police violence is nowadays, in France in particular, an unprecedented topicality and seems to be part of the very identity of mobilizations and social anger, what memories remain of the events in Genoa? What iconographies of the struggles have these violent events revived and propagated? Starting from the images of Carlo Giuliani’s death through the projection of Francesca Comencini’s film, Carlo Giuliani Ragazzo (2002), the last day of the conference “Genoa 2001-2021” invites film historians and lawyers to question the ambivalent place of images in the construction of an archive and a narrative, both judicial and militant, of Genoa. In a second step, the presentation of a selection of short films and excerpts of medium-length films will be an opportunity to open a discussion with all the participants of the conference and the public around this political iconography of Genoa.
- 9h30 : introduction by Alice Leroy (maîtresse de conférences en cinéma à l’Université Gustave-Eiffel) et Dork Zabunyan (professeur de cinéma à l’Université Paris 8).
- 10h-11h : screening by Carlo Giuliani Ragazzo, and by Francesca Comencini (Italie, 2002).
- 11h-12h : Discussion withDario Marchiori (maître de conférence en cinéma à l’Université Lyon 2) et Salvatore Palidda (Professeur de sociologie à l’Université de Gênes).
- 12h15-13h30 : Gênes 2001, une iconographie politique des luttes. Screening of films and selected extracts.