Bitchin Bajas

Chicago’s Bitchin Bajas make languorous, slow-building music, relying on endless repetition rather than big changes to move forward. For the last ten years or so, their music has been experimenting with that obscure zone we’ve come to call soaring music, for want of a better term. Let’s just say that flying carpets seem more appropriate here than a tank with caterpillar tracks to explain how these Americans from a fictional sitcom for neuropathic geeks sponsored by Yamaha manage to turn up the heat.

tuesday 07 november 202321h00
Grande Scène

Bitchin Bajas

Bajascillators arrives almost five years since their last official full-length, 2017’s Bajas Fresh. In the eight years prior, from 2010 to Fresh, Bitchin Bajas issued seven albums, plus cassettes, EPs, singles . . . wave after wave of analogue synth tones and zones extending into a stratospheric arc. Each release its own headspace, shape and […]

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