Elg et La chimie

I'm Free : free concert

Poetic-cosmic songs, deconstructed pop instrumentation and electronic music: that’s the hard-to-define style of Laurent Gérard’s new project. Elg et La chimie is a composition between Laurent Gérard alias Èlg (Opéra Mort, Orgue Agnès), Marie Nachury and Johann Mazé (France Sauvage, Lord Rectangle) whose chemistry is intact for a joyous bazaar with a spoken word background on Wednesday 8 November at Le Périscope!

wednesday 08 november 202319h00
Le Péri

Èlg & la chimie

Since 2004, Èlg (Opéra Mort, Orgue Agnès, Amiral Prose) has continued to draw the sonic equivalent of concentric spirals and labyrinths made of thuja, brambles and guts. The language is sometimes French, sometimes reduced to alien babble, invoking the old man, the madman, the child, the dusty ghost, the epileptic bard or the messenger of […]

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