Louis Sclavis, Richard Bonnet et Adrien Chennebault – Vercors

The meeting of three prodigious improvisers, clarinettist Louis Sclavis, Richard Bonnet and his seven-string guitar and drummer Adrien Chennebault, will take place at Le Périscope on Tuesday February 27. In other words, a great performance in the heart of Lyon.

Through their complicity and shared desires, a story of improvisation, of which these three hold the secret, will be written before your astonished eyes. From their inspirations and virtuosity comes a powerful sound: “Vercors”. Their improvised music tells us yet another intense secret…

tuesday 27 february 202421h00
Grande Scène

Louis Sclavis, Richard Bonnet et Adrien Chennebault - Vercors

Suddenly, the meanders of an eternity that is never reborn appear. The wandering softness enveloping our ephemeral fragrances taunts discrete joys. Satin and velvet mingle with the ageless vibrations of our everyday gestures at the frontiers of our diffuse wills. Childhood is played out where resistance fades. This evening’s encounter will take place under the […]

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