Michel Banabila + Jonnnah

Music composer and sound artist Michel Banabila has been publishing music since 1983 and has produced musical scores for numerous films, documentaries, video works, plays and choreographies. His music ranges from loop-based minimal electronica, 4ᵉ world and neoclassical pieces, to drones, experimental ambient and punk-as-fuck tape music. As well as acoustic instrumentation, Banabila uses electronics, field recordings and snippets from radio, television and the internet.

wednesday 12 february 202521h00
Grande Scène

Michel Banabila

Michel Banabila, né en 1961 à Amsterdam, est un artiste sonore, compositeur et producteur. Michel Banabila publie de la musique depuis 1983 et a produit des bandes sonores pour de nombreux films, documentaires, pièces de théâtre et chorégraphies. Il a travaillé/joué aux Pays-Bas, en Pologne, au Liban, au Royaume-Uni, en Afrique du Sud, en Russie, […]

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Jonnnah, producer from Lyon and founder of the Second End Records label, develops a sound writing style in which ethereal textures, blurred rhythms and intense ambiences are mixed and glued together, creating live performances and sure-footed mixes.His latest album, The Next Kingdom, noted for its richness and depth, synthesizes his research: a fluid articulation between […]

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