
A tropical hurricane we love to throw ourselves into, the Franco-Colombian ensemble Pixvae announces a dazzling return! Based between Colombia and Lyon, these modern-day researchers propose a new incursion into the ancient territories of currulao.

The magic formula changes slightly, but the energy remains the same. Between the tangled roots of Afro-Colombian rhythms and melodies, the powerful sap of noise rock and the azimuth ramifications of mutinous jazz, indulge in a pagan, festive trance!

saturday 03 february 202421h00
Le Péri


Pixvae keeps evolving during its constant research of balance between the festive essence of currulao, this afro-colombian traditional music, and the wicks lit by the pioneering researchers of Lyon’s musical underground. The name of this new explosion, “Oì Vé” sounds like an invitation and resounds from Cali to Lyon. At the traffic jam of Africa, […]

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