PoiL Ueda + Watchdog + Gwyn Wurst

In collaboration with Dur & Doux

PoiL Ueda is the unlikely meeting of Junko Ueda, an eminent figure in Japanese medieval epic storytelling whose deep, warm voice summons up telluric energies, and the organic madness of the PoiL monster, joyfully playing cosmic rock without a net.
WATCHDOG may not exactly fit your idea of a jazz band, an instrumental rock band or a contemporary music duo. And that’s just as well.
WATCHDOG take a close interest in the music that inspires them, but without any concern for fitting into an identifiable style. Their approach is that of musical omnivores who have managed to recreate their own universe in a seemingly nonchalant way.
With his two keyboards and the phalanges of a colossus, Gwyn Wurst irritates an absinthe-tinged makina, spitting the worst dancefloor fires of Otto Von Shirach and Venetian Snares at the ceiling. He improvises a saturated techno-Arabic that leaves Omar Souleyman to be eaten by the sand worms of Dune, without worrying about the ecological fallout; composing the soundtrack to the snuff remake of Who wants to kill Roger Rabbit? without warning.

friday 20 september 202421h00
Grande Scène

PoiL & Ueda

This is a meeting and musical creation between an expanded version of the group PoiL, and Japanese artist Junko Ueda around popular epic tales from The Heike Epic, the third installment of a Japanese medieval classic. The composition is based on the work of Junko Ueda and the tradition of sung narrative accompanied by the […]

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WATCHDOG may not exactly fit your idea of a jazz band, instrumental rock band, or contemporary music duo. And that’s a good thing.WATCHDOG takes a close interest in the music that inspires it, but without any concern for an identifiable style. Their approach is that of musical omnivores who have been able to recreate their […]

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Gwyn Wurst

A supernatural keyboardist and extra-terrestrial virtuoso, he is a solitary iconoclastic anomaly, a Marvel casting error who flunked out of the P4 competition for “improper and villainous superpowers”. With his two keyboards and the phalanges of a colossus, he irritates an absinthe-tinged makina, spitting the worst dancefloor fires of Otto Von Shirach and Venetian Snares […]

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