SEC + Bouche amplifiée

SEC have been playing their progressive noise punk as a bass-drums duo since 2011 on a number of roads in France and the rest of the country. 2 LPs, a live CD and almost 300 concerts, always in the middle of the crowd. Violent but fun, tender and determined, greedy and independent. SEC always play duels in the middle of the audience, too loudly, recounting their adventures to anyone who will listen. Without denying their radicalism, this time the two friends tell a story that’s sure to touch young and old alike.

Bouche Amplifiée is a solo for amplified voice (or mouth, he prefers) performed by Antoine Mermet. Here, it’s the mouth that generates, and what’s inside it that creates. That’s it, nothing more.
Everything is improvised, amplified, by a static microphone, without any other treatment.

wednesday 15 january 202521h00
Le Péri

Bouche Amplifiée


SEC meets George Gallamus at the grape harvest. George is having adventures. SEC recounts his entire adventure. George is nothing special. SEC has no plans for the future. George is hungry. SEC walks straight ahead. George has questions. SEC does not believe in reform. George travels light. SEC doesn’t play jazz.

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