The Very Big Experimental toubifri Orchestra
Au Marché Gare
Le Toubifri is to the years 2010-20, what the 2be3 were to the 90s: an institution, a flagship group close to becoming a legend, with the talent to boot.
With already three albums to its credit, including one with singer-poet Loïc Lantoine, Toubifri predicts an evening of crazy, excessive and explosive dingueries. Sweat in the Jazz but also in the Rock.
On the program of the evening, new pieces never recorded before, a Captaine Saxo more in shape than ever, costumes at the height of the new dancefloor of the Marché Gare, the whole served by an exceptional instrumental richness lavished by a score of unchained musicians.
To make a long story short, you can bet that this evening, under the sign of “Dieu Poulet “*, will make you cackle with pleasure!
*From the name of the Very Big Experimental toubifri Orchestra’s last album released in April 2021