The Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra

Rentrée de la classe !

So yes, Le Toubifri plays jazz. But it’s not all jazz. They also play Italian variety with a taste for the seventies, they sing zany polyphonies with sometimes bizarre lyrics, they throw little “free balls” but also confetti, and they even manage to do some English pop.
In short, a fine mess, but a well-organised mess. The show is chiselled, jagged and rhythmic, with a fully thought-out staging and costumes to match! In short, the power of a classy big band that doesn’t take itself too seriously!

wednesday 06 september 202321h00

The Very Big Experimental Toubifri Orchestra

A great band from the young Lyon scene. 17 musicians who form a happy mixture of sound eccentricity, unusual melodies and joyful grooves, carried by a musical expression without limits! A hysterical fresco on a screen of colors, a joyful clatter, a dada fanfare, where the folkloric imagination is brought to its full power! The […]

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